Leila ChapaAlbuquerque, NMVideo editing/Digital storytelling Coach (Also available for Math!)
I have been producing videos for over 10 years using a variety of software products including iMovie, Final Cut X, and Adobe Premier Pro. My mother is a professional, award winning, documentary filmmaker, so I have been exposed to her work, and learned much of her knowledge about what it takes to be a successful video producer.
My professional experience in video production includes:
- Working remotely for a non-profit foundation based out of Boston that serves minority business owners. My role was to make short form documentary style videos about their story.
- Working remotely for a marketing agency producing social media videos for a variety of clients about a variety of products and subjects.
My expertise includes the technical and software side of video production as well as the digital storytelling and creative side of video production. I understand how to shoot video for editing and artistically, how to organize footage in the software, and finally, how to edit a compelling output from the footage, including selecting, trimming, and cropping clips, cutting and syncing video and audio (music, narrative, and natural sound), implementing transitions, color correction and filters, sound correction, working with and downloading titles and generators, and how to animate your own images in Final Cut Pro. Video production and editing is a creative process, you never know what to expect when you’re making a video, sometimes there might be surprises and I’m excited about the possibility of guiding other fellow editors along the way.